Contact Us

Let the Cat Out of the Bag

Were you the cat or the mouse in the incident described below?

AmIBeingCatty reserves the right to edit submissions for grammar, length, clarity, and overall bitchiness. Your full name and email address will never be included or distributed, regardless of how badly we might want to sign you up for the wHine of the month club. There is no guarantee your submission will receive a response.
Advice given by and its members is intended for entertainment (mostly our own) and information purposes only. Bloggers acting on behalf of, including members, guest bloggers and participants are expressing their personal opinions and views. is not intended to replace or substitute psychological, legal, or other professional advice, and will not be held responsible for errors or omissions on this website or websites that are affiliated with If we suggest you get psychological help, it’s probably because we think you’re nuts. This website and its members are not responsible for the outcome or results of following advice offered. Readers are responsible for their own actions, Pamprin, and donning a pair of big girl panties before soliciting the Catty Team for advice. Don’t ask if you don’t want to know. Members of do not accept liability for actions of its readers. Suck it up.

2 responses to “Contact Us

  1. Pingback: It’s Hard to be So Talented |

  2. Pingback: Not Your Mom’s “Dear Abby”. |

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